Canvas LMS Demonstration Recorded Sessions - August 2020
NH District and School Leadership
Hosts: Jeremy May and Jonathan Kasica. Includes Stephen Appleby and Terri Winters from NH DOE.
Highlights include:
- Why the New Hampshire Department of Education (DOE) chose Canvas
- Benefits of moving to one statewide system
- Services provided within the iLearnNH program, including access, support, and training
- Review of the Intake Form for interested districts, including technical information we need to collect
- Open Q&A
NH District & School Leadership Recorded Session
NH Students & Families
Hosts: Jeremy May and Jonathan Kasica/Joel Hommes
Highlights include:
- The ease with which students and parents can access content
- The voice and choice students can exercise in demonstrating understanding
- The use of mobile apps to learn (or monitoring learning) anytime, anywhere!
Student & Family Recorded Session
NH Teachers
Hosts: Christopher Smith, Joel Hommes/Jonathan Kasica
Highlights include:
- The variety of content teachers can create and curate for student use
- The benefits and features of the Google + Canvas integration
- Student voice and choice in demonstrating understanding of concepts and content
- Tools that make it easy to provide meaningful feedback to students
- Tools that simplify differentiation and the scaling of high-quality curriculum
NH Administrators
Hosts: Rachel Swanson, Jonathan Kasica, and Chris Smith
This session was intended for district and school leaders to learn how Canvas supports strong instructional strategies and tools to scale instruction and curriculum with fidelity. Additionally, the speakers reviewed how district and school leaders will maintain oversight within individual classroom activities.